There are some people that feel that prayer in public schools should be allowed. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion is important in schools, and important for children to learn and grow (2).
The US Supreme court makes too big of a deal of a simple prayer (2).
There are societal benefits to prayer, and schools need to teach lessons and issues other than solely academic (2).
The U.S. Supreme Court has urged school cooperation with religious authorities for “it then respects the religious nature of our people and accommodates the public service to their spiritual needs (2).
The Equal Access Act EAA forces schools to treat religious clubs formed just the same as other extra curricular and student initiated clubs at school (1)
According to a survey done by Public Agenda,, 69% voted that prayer in public schools should be permitted, while 27% felt that prayer in public school should not be allowed. 4% said that they do not know.
Now I want to know what others think of this.
Here I have posted a survey just like the one discussed earlier. It is completely anonymous; what do you think about the topic? How do you feel?
wassup guyz